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Banish Those Nerves: Pre-Interview Tips To Help You Get The Job Job hunt

By Fiona Frudd

Interviews needn’t be difficult, so long as you prepare properly. By planning ahead, you’ll be better positioned to give a great performance and – ultimately – get the job. Below are some tips to help you pass your next one with flying colours.

Research everything, and then do it again /

It can’t be said enough how important it is to research the company and role you’re going for. The last thing employers want to see is an interviewee who’s clueless about the position – your goal is to convince them that you’re the best choice, and to do that, you’ll need to know what the job entails. As for the company, a basic history and its current market position is the least you should know before you arrive.

You can use the website and tools like LinkedIn to get a rough idea of how the team is structured, and to see if there are any clues as to the business’s plans for the future. The more you know, the more impressive you’ll be.

Know what to wear, and have it ready /

Interview success can’t be achieved with words alone; you also need to look the part. Be smart but also be comfortable; a suit and tie is a safe option, as is tailored skirts, blouses and smart dresses. Try not to wear heels that are too high, or shiny new shoes that haven’t been worn in because your discomfort will only serve as a distraction.

The night before make sure that everything that you have planned to wear is all ironed and hung out ready to put on just before you leave.

Work out where you’re going! /

This might sound trivial, but it’s something so many people forget to do. Leave it until the last minute to work out exactly where you’re going – and how you’re getting there – and you’re pretty much asking to be late.

It’s unlikely to be somewhere you’ve travelled to regularly before, so make sure you do a practice run if you’re not quite sure of the best route to take. If you plan to drive, check the traffic in the weekdays building up to the interview, and have an alternative route in mind in case there’s an accident.

If you’re hoping to use a bus or train, find the one that gets you there on time and then take the one before it – this way you have a safety net should there be any hold-ups.

With all that in mind, you should be much better prepared for the interview ahead. Just keep it in mind that you’ve got this far for a reason – they like what they’ve seen on your CV, and you’re definitely qualified – the final stage is about impressing them on a personal level with enthusiasm and passion. Good luck!

Fiona Frudd
Fiona Frudd
Head of Marketing