SF Recruitment Inspiring Women interview Series: Lindsey Harrison-Grimes Shares Insights on Embracing Equity
With over two decades of HR experience, Lindsey Harrison-Grimes has been instrumental in promoting diversity, supporting families, and creating flexible working arrangements in a traditionally male-dominated industry.
In the interview, Lindsey shares her journey in HR, the challenges she faced, and how she maintains her drive in the face of setbacks. She also discusses her passion for promoting greater equity and diversity in the legal profession, suggesting that business leaders keep an open mind and remain flexible in finding solutions that meet individual needs.
As Director of People & Culture, Lindsey has implemented various measures to support women in Nelsons' business, including resource groups, coaching, learning and development opportunities, and flexible working arrangements. With 73% of employees and nearly 50% of partners being female, Nelsons is an excellent example of a business striving towards a more equitable workplace.
Lindsey also shares her strategies for balancing personal and professional life, including exercise and spending time with her young son. She is proud of her accomplishments in promoting diversity and supporting working families, but she still has goals for the future, including fostering more women in leadership roles.
In closing, Lindsey shares her inspiration and sends a message of encouragement to women striving to make their mark in the world. She hopes to inspire others to embrace equity and diversity, and she encourages women to persevere and not let obstacles discourage them.
SF Recruitment's Inspiring Women interview series continues to showcase the stories of accomplished women like Lindsey Harrison-Grimes, highlighting their accomplishments, sharing their insights, and inspiring others to pursue their goals.
Lindsey was interviewed by Ellie Smith, Business Development Director at SF Recruitment. If you'd like to find our more about taking part in our Inspiring Women interview series or know an Inspiring Woman you'd like to nominate, we'd love to hear from you. please contact our Head of Marketing, Fiona Frudd.
You can watch the video here:
Lindsey Harrison Grimes - Inspiring Women Interview by SF Recruitment
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