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How To Motivate Your Employees, Especially On A Monday Morning

By Fiona Frudd

Catch-up time /

Getting employees motivated on a Monday morning after the weekend can be very difficult. By simply having a casual catch up with your colleague’s first thing seems to have a great impact on getting them motivated and ready for the day ahead, this is also likely to produce greater output as the day goes on.

Another way of accommodating those Monday blues is to let your employees come in slightly later on a Monday morning, making the time up at the end of the day. This will hopefully mean that your workforce isn’t tired meaning a more productive day.

Free coffee and fresh fruit /

To further help with employee energy levels, free coffee and fresh fruit is always welcomed at breakfast time. The fruit will naturally raise energy levels and give a welcome sugar burst; while the coffee will help the sleepy ones feel human again.

Providing breakfast for your staff is just a very nice gesture which boots morale and inspires better performance. Its perks like that which increases staff retention too, as employees feel cared about.


Clear your to-do lists on a Friday /

One reason we can get stressed out on a Monday is that we spent the entire weekend thinking about work that we didn’t complete. Before you leave the office on a Friday it is recommended that you put together a fresh week’s ‘to do’ list of any unfinished work, rather than constantly playing catch up from the previous week. You can then leave the office, hopefully with a clear head and enjoy the weekend.

Be motivated yourself /

If you arrive to work on a Monday morning feeling unmotivated and dull then you can’t expect your employees to turn up feeling enthusiastic and driven. Lead by example, come into work with a positive attitude every day and it will soon rub off on staff. Enthusiasm is infectious and beginning the week so positively can have an impact on company output right through until Friday.

At SF, each office meet together every Monday to chat about the working week ahead. We feel this is an essential motivator for our business, and in getting our employees engaged and excited, we see fantastic results, enabling us to take all of our employees abroad each summer. So remember, the small steps you take towards employee motivation help form a much bigger picture.

Fiona Frudd
Fiona Frudd
Head of Marketing