Beyond Payday: Employee Perks To Negotiate
You’ll know, of course, that pay is almost always negotiable, regardless of whether the advert makes it known; if you can bring enough to the company, they’ll have no trouble paying, believe us. It’s important to remember, however, that wages aren’t everything.
There are plenty of other things worth negotiating before you sign the contract, so think carefully about what would make your working life a happier one. We’ve listed some of the best ideas below.
Flexible working hours
Having a little freedom over the hours you work can make life a whole lot easier. You can fit other responsibilities in without having to take time off: doctor’s appointments, school runs and post office trips are all manageable.
A recent report from the CIPD highlights a number of other plus-points, including reduced stress and less time spent commuting. Another study, this time from Vodafone, found that 83 per cent of employers believe their adoption of flexible working has helped boost productivity too, so you shouldn’t have much trouble arranging it.
The definition of ‘flexible’ is up for discussion – it could be home working or relaxed hours. It’s up to you and your prospective employer.
A better job title
In your employer’s eyes, your job title is just an organisational term, to ensure everyone has their place. For you, it’s the key to a better looking CV, so make the most of it.
Take the time to read the job description thoroughly, and decide whether or not the title offered reflects its responsibilities sufficiently. If you feel there’s a gap between the two, do a little research and find out what terms other companies are using.
If you can settle on something that makes you look more responsible and is better aligned with the rest of the industry, it’ll serve you well in the future.
Regular pay reviews
We weren’t lying when we said money isn’t everything, but it’s still important that you’re fairly compensated for your contribution to the company.
It’s a given that during your time in this position, your skills will develop – you’ll learn more about the role, your clients, the industry etc. That’s great for you and your future, but it’s also positive for your employer. You’ll be more valuable to them.
Having pay reviews in your contract means your salary will be considered regularly, and will help to ensure the money you earn reflects all of your hard work and development.
A reasonable notice period
Just as 9-5 is no longer the standard working day, one month isn’t necessarily the notice period you should expect. Many companies are stretching theirs either to ensure they’ve enough time to employ a replacement or to make it difficult for you to leave in the first place. Six weeks, two months and even longer have all been heard of.
It’s not really in your employer’s interest to shorten the period they’re offering, but if they really want you to sign, they may well be ready to talk. Try insisting on a one-month notice period at the very most. This’ll ensure that, when the time comes, you’ll be able to take the next step in your career without any hassle.
These are just a few of the things we recommend asking for during your next contract talks – there are plenty of other possibilities, so have a long think about what would benefit you. Above all, though, don’t automatically settle with the offer on the table!
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